1560 calories / 136 calories
Here is an example of a filling daily meal plan that fits beautifully within a calorie deficit appropriate for most average-height women. That means it’s between 1500-1800 calories with 120-230g protein. Enjoy!
PCOS-Friendly Breakfast

Calories 512 / Protein 38

Calories 74 / Protein 4
PCOS-Friendly Lunch

Calories 506 / Protein 55
PCOS-Friendly Dinner

Calories 326 / Protein 32

Calories 142 / Protein 7
PCOS-Friendly Snack
No snack on this day 🙂 You can add one as long as you don’t exceed your calorie allowance.
More PCOS support:
Have a look at how we use these ingredients our YouTube Channel. We have lots of cooking videos that demonstrate these staples. You’ll also get videos on PCOS Inspiration, PCOS Training, PCOS Mental Health, and PCOS Accountability.
We’ve got lots of free recipes on our site. Peruse our Recipes. Want to eat on the We the PCOS plan for a whole day? Take a look at a sample daily meal plan and recipes.